Nutrition and Spinecare

Intro to Nutrition

Healthcare experts agree that one of the best ways to maintain health and to promote recovery from an injury is to eat a well-balanced diet and engage in a regular exercise program.  These are approaches each of us can use to improve our spine health. Individuals with back problems would benefit from maintaining a healthy weight, implementing a well-balanced diet and complying with a physician-recommended nutritional approach. 

Dietary modification and the use of prescribed nutritional supplementation can be effective at facilitating tissue recovery as well as managing pain and inflammation.  It should not be used alone but with lifestyle changes and other therapeutic approaches.

One of the consequences of deficient diets is chronic inflammation. Optimum health requires dietary and nutritional balance. A healthy spine requires that all systems of the body remain healthy.  A healthy spine also promotes healthy organ systems through optimum neurological and autonomic regulation.

Nutritional approaches to pain management and care of the spine can involve both changes in diet and the use of dietary supplements. Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other natural substances are strategies that can be used to help reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair and to prevent pain. Although nutritional therapies are often perceived to have fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals, some will have potential side effects and may interfere with medication.  Subsequently, the use of nutritional therapies should be discussed with a health professional.Nutritional supplements may reduce or eliminate the need for over-the-counter or prescription drugs, therefore your attending physicians should be aware of any vitamins you consume.

Dietary modification can be used to positively influence healing, reduce pain and to significantly impact inflammation.